Aswat Nissa launched the 8th edition of its Women’s Political Academy on March 29th 2019. This edition wished to accompany female politicians running in the next legislative elections. For six months, these twenty female politicians from different regions and political parties will follow different trainings on various themes, notably political communication, gender mainstreaming, gender-sensitive budgeting and electoral campaigning. The political academy’s goal is to help these future MPs become actors of change and advocates for gender equality within their political party and their region.
Leadership and Self-Confidence
Political Communication
Gender and the Integration of the Gender Approach within Public Policy
Legislative Gender Analysis and Political Plea
Gender-sensitive Budgeting
Electoral Campaigning
L’objectif de cette formation est de permettre aux candidates de se familiariser avec les techniques de plaidoyer et d’acquérir les compétences requises pour mener une action de plaidoyer sur la scène politique tunisienne ainsi que au sein de leur parti surtout durant la période de la campagne électorale.